You are here: EFTPOS > Oolio Pay Global > Configure Oolio Pay Global

Configure Oolio Pay Global

Complete the following steps to configure Oolio Pay Global in Idealpos.


Connecting the Pinpad to Idealpos


Mapping the Surcharge

1. Navigate to Idealpos Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Sales.

2. Under "Undistributed Links", map the Surcharges to the corresponding Stock Item.



We recommend that the Surcharge item is setup as "Non-Turnover"; this is so that GST is not paid on surcharges when reporting from Idealpos.

Click here for more information.


Points to note:







Idealpos Configuration

The following options are available when configuring Oolio Payments in Idealpos:


Oolio Pay Global

The following options are available when configuring Oolio Pay Global:


Merchant - Enter the Merchant ID here.

Pinpad ID - Enter the Pinpad ID here.

Pinpad IP Address - Enter the Pinpad IP Address here.

Support Pinpad Tipping - Toggle this checkbox to control whether or not the pinpad will support tipping.


Upload Image after each Transaction - The image specified here will be uploaded to the pinpad after each transaction and will appear on the screen of the pinpad.



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